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I am always listening to my customers, even when they do not immediately express their desires. Over the past few days, I was emailed from a person asking about our O Scale 81' DGRW Based Trestles and if they could be combined to create one longer Trestle and one shorter Trestle. The answer is yes. When asking further questions, a half dozen email later and extended phone call, I found that he modeled SP out of southern Texas. He send me several photos of the wooden SP Trestles around him. I noted that the SP Trestle design, while close to the DWGW Trestle design we model, there were a few differences. After downloading Southern Pacific Lines Common Standards for Trestles. I determined that with a few hours of CADD work, the existing DRGW Pile Trestle Kits could be changed to meet the SP designs. Obviously for manufacturability, not every criteria is met, but still maybe 90% accurate. With that said, we will be adding 2 new Five-Pile Open Deck Pile Trestles and 2 new Five-Post Open Deck Frame Trestles based on Southern Pacific Lines for Coopers E50 load rating or less. Additionally, I will be 1) making an Extension Kit for all our 48' Pile Trestles and 2) adding a Post Variant for the Pile Trestles. And if you are wondering, the most obvious difference is the DRGW Trestle has five-legs all straight vertical and SP has the outer four Post Legs at an angle (center leg straight). Per the Standard, the center line of piles prolonged should meet at a point 26’ above the base of the rail.
Finally, when the dust settles, I'll look into at our Gully and Ravine Trestles to see if a SP version is warranted or maybe just adding SP Templates and instructions to the current kits. More investigation is need here.
These Engine houses will be available in N, HO, S and O Scales. We are still looking at if it will be wood sided or sheet metal.
Two Bay Engine House
N Scale - EH253N HO Scale - EH253
S Scale - EH2253 O Scale - EH2053
One Bay Engine House
N Scale - EH254N HO Scale - EH254
S Scale - EH2254 O Scale - EH2054
The new Multi-Structure Kit #1 has its design phase complete with the manual in final edits also. The first kit of this new series includes a Garage for house, Large Shed, Covered Lean-to work Building, multiple Outhouses and Dog Houses. The Kit will also include several castings to help with the details. This first Kit will provide you multiple Buildings and Structures you can use all over your layout. Release mid to late Nov for all Scales.
N Scale - Not sure if it will be offered HO Scale - EH251
S Scale - EH2251 O Scale - EH2051
This Kit was designed after a couple of Photos I saw of this 1910's Gas Station. I liked it because it was different!! The Gas Station building could be used on layouts up the the 1960's as a Garage or whatever with no issues. In the 1970's building like this were typically torn down to make room for "progress". Although I'll bet a few small towns would still have this style of building around today! The Kit is in work for O and HO at this time. Probably a late April Release date.
HO Scale - EH217 O Scale - EH2017
This is a redesign and release of this popular kit from the early 1980's. The Kit will be updated from cutting walls from patterns to providing you precision Laser cut walls. Like the original, the Kit will include lots of metal castings!! The Kit is in work for O and HO at this time. Probably a Late Mar Release date.
HO Scale - EH220 O Scale - EH2020